Fragments of a particular reality

Sidney Amaral was a restless artist. Committed to experimentation, study and technical refinement, he explored different languages and materialities while developing a unique style. His work provokes feelings of strangeness, by using sophisticated montages from which eroticism, irony, sensitivity and social criticism emerge. Amaral was able to access the depths of human life and was […]
Memory needs to move ahead

Born in the indigenous territory of Porto Lindo in 1975 in the municipality of Japorã, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Sandra Ara Benites has a long history in education. She was a teacher, and worked in the administration of public education in Mato Grosso do Sul, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro, […]

The prohibitions applied to humans who differ from the white norm have been updated in order to ensure to the structures that control our bodies a supposed honesty attributed to science and monitoring and security technologies. The capture of presence, be it by visual or audiovisual means or through temperature sensing, motion detection, or other […]