ZUM Magazine 9

Solitary Bird

Dorrit Harazim & Graciela Iturbide

GRACIELA ITURBIDE’S lenses reveal a Mexico without clichés, in the slow pace of its indigenous culture, of desolate landscapes and of a unique surrealism. The grande dame of Mexican photography is in no hurry. At 73, Graciela Iturbide continues her journey through life without haste. She likes to lend from Pablo Picasso a phrase to […]

ZUM Magazine 9

On Photography

Ai Weiwei

Through photography and the internet, the artist showed his own life and challenged the censorship in his country. After being forbidden to leave China for four years, Weiwei regained the right to travel around the world last July. If we reflect on the history of photography, we realize it has been widely accepted as a […]

ZUM Magazine 9

Celso Garcia Avenue

Mauricio Puls & Lucia Mindlin Loeb

Scenes of this São Paulo avenue taken by LUCIA MINDLIN LOEB in 2004 and 2014 show the silent crumbling of the city. Closed shops, abandoned buildings, empty pavements. It is a melancholic journey to examine the photographs of Celso Garcia Avenue, which have been patiently collected by Lucia Mindlin Loeb. It is hard to believe that one of the major […]

ZUM Magazine 9

Works and days

Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Taken during time off from his ethnographic research among the Araweté Indians in the early 1980s, anthropologist EDUARDO VIVEIROS DE CASTRO’s photographs, shown in the exhibition Variações do Corpo Selvagem [variations on the wild body] and edited by MIGUEL RIO BRANCO for ZUM, recorded a daily life marked by physical intimacy and material sobriety. All […]